About Us
Pro-Life San Francisco is a non-profit human rights organization for pro-life people from across the political, ideological, and generational spectrum. We are dedicated to creating a culture of peace where the pre-born members of our human family are protected from the violent and lethal discrimination of abortion. We aim to achieve this by:
Increasing community awareness through online and in-person engagement, lectures, debates, public appearances, and creative educational efforts.
Assisting those facing pregnancy decisions by connecting them to what they need to thrive, such as support networks, financial assistance programs, job placement, childcare, education on title IX rights, and nonviolent healthcare options.
Speaking truth to power through protests, rallies, and direct action that upholds our commitment to the values of equality, non-violence, and nondiscrimination.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your contributions are tax deductible. Your support is greatly appreciated.