Join us outside the office of Senator Dianne Feinstein to protest the nomination of Xavier Becerra.
As the highest ranking health officer in the country, Becerra would have free reign to enact the most extreme pro-abortion policies — including the expansion of publicly funded abortion and unethical fetal organ harvesting. With his numerous lawsuits across the country blocking pro-life laws, his purely political prosecution of citizen journalists from the Center for Medical Progress, and his role in the NIFLA v Becerra Supreme Court case, he has demonstrated his willingness to harass the pro-life community and abuse his power.
Together, we can use our voices to empower Senator Feinstein to look critically at Becerra, break from her campaign donors, vocally oppose his confirmation, and drop him from consideration.
We'll meet at One Post Plaza to hand-deliver a signed letter to Feinstein's office, which will be followed by an outdoor demonstration and sidewalk chalking. Please register here on Eventbrite by 8pm tonight (2/22) so we can send a head count to Students for Life.