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Live Dismemberment Must End!

  • UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center 425 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles, CA, 90095 United States (map)

Our State's most influential leaders, the University of California Board of Regents, will host their bimonthly meeting at UCLA. Pro-life people from across the religious and political spectrum will gather outside the event hall at 8am to demonstrate a strong resistance to the late-term abortion practices on viable human fetuses for medical experimentation at #UCSF which relies on #LiveDismemberment and very likely #BornAliveInfants.

Californians unite to prevent infanticide for medical experimentation!


UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, the Regents meeting will now be conducted entirely as a teleconference with no public access to the event venue. Members of the public can sign up to participate via telephone. More information can be found here:

February 21

Stand With David and Sandra: Criminal Jury Trial Arraignment

May 19

Confront the UC Regents | Live Dismemberment Must End