This weekend, pro-lifers will gather in downtown San Francisco for the annual West Coast Walk For Life, in protest of the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court Decision, which legalized abortion in all 50 states. This is the largest pro-life gathering on the west cost and Pro-Life SF will be there to represent! Below you’ll find a list of relevant activities happening this weekend and we’d love to see you there!
Friday 1/25
6:00 PM: Meet at Embarcadero Plaza for guerrilla projection activism with Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust. We will be using a light projector to display large lighted messages on downtown buildings, such as “Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts”.
8:00 PM: 3rd annual Pro-Life Karaoke at the Mint Karaoke Lounge. It’s basically a tradition!
Saturday 1/26
8:00 AM: Meet at Planned Parenthood on Valencia for a morning rally and vigil with Priests for Life and Stand True.
11:15 AM: Gather outside the Asian Art Museum for our annual Walk For Life meetup and rally! There will be amazing pro-life speakers including:
Tamika Bassman of Berkeley Students for Life
Monica Snyder of Secular Pro-Life
Herb Geraghty of Rehumanize International
Mallorie Knight of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
Dylan Griswold of Stanford Medicine Affirms Life
Terrisa Bukovinac, Zephan Wood, Bettina Di Fiore, and Robert Byrd of Pro-Life SF
Ricky Silva of Spartans for Life
and Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa of New Wave Feminists
1:30 PM: The Walk begins. Some of us will walk near the front of the line to do a civil rights era style “Die-In” at Embarcadero Plaza. We will explain how to participate at the meetup!