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Tell California’s Elites: Live Dismemberment Must End

The University of California, San Francisco, has long been engaged in abortion extremism. The school has trained thousands of abortionists and kills children up to 24 weeks, parting out their remains to medical experimentation projects across the city on an ongoing, monthly basis. These are healthy fetuses — many of whom can feel pain — who are not killed prior to dismemberment because the feticides used to cause fetal demise make the organs unusable for research.

Some children at UCSF are even born via labor induction abortions — which, according to the Society of Family Planning, produce born alive infants up to half of the time late in pregnancy.

We stand against these acts of violence and demand answers when it comes to the treatment of abortion survivors, which we know from statistics have been born alive at UCSF. The ongoing cooperation and "dependency" between abortion facilities and research labs must come to an end, and it won't stop until WE SPEAK UP!

Could you make a 1 minute public comment at the UC Board of Regents meeting to demand answers and urge Chairman John Pérez to either publicly embrace or denounce these horrible practices? Please help us show the Regents that our community does not support these horrors. Due to COVID all comments will be taken by phone. To speak out at a public comment session, send your name, phone number, and the day you’d like to be contacted (to make your live comments) to

Join us in ending the violence and calling for radical transparency.

Public Comment Sessions:

Tues 1/19 1:30-1:50pm PST

Wed 1/20 12-12:20pm PST

Thurs 1/21 8:30-8:50am PST

Watch our mini documentary and see our fact sheet at

January 9

Protest Pelosi. Protect Hyde.

January 23

The 2021 West Coast Walk for Life Pro-Life SF Meetup